I am angry that Trump is going to be president again.
We should have learned from that.
I am angry that he got elected the first time.
In large part, I am angry about the racism.
As much as I believe that misogyny played a somewhat greater role this time around, racism is a key factor in the electoral college delivering that win.
Racism is a key factor in his popularity.
Racism is what made it so easy to believe all the grotesquely false and popular things he says.
It's astounding ignorance, and pose-election analysis shows many people continuing to be loudly and insufferably wrong, but I will get more into that next week.
I will do that because it needs to get out how we continue to be wrong.
I don't know that my posting does much to get it out there. I am not so angry about that -- it didn't have to be me -- but for all the misinformation and disinformation out there, there is good information too; why aren't there more people listening?
I would say it's ironic that I am putting out all of my anger here, because the worst people are coming off as really angry, but I don't think that's the real problem. I think it's the contempt. Then they get angry, but they don't have love or respect to guide them into how things can and should be.
So I am angry at the contempt, and at the ignorance and bigotry that goes with it.
For example, one of the minor issues that people said they based their vote on was that warmongering Democrats would draft up their sons to serve in the way, and it was worth their daughters potentially losing bodily autonomy to protect that.
I could pause on the remarkable disconnect from reality for someone to think that Democrats are going to be seeking out warfare in a worse way than Republicans, or that we are going to go back to forcing young men to fight when that hasn't been a thing for about fifty years, or to think that a draft might not also involve their daughters when women are about 17.5% of active duty military. There's a huge amount of ignorance and delusion there, yes.
However, I am a bit more hung up on the fact that back when the draft was a real concern and people of different races combined to fight against it, that white people abandoned the fight once their children were safe.
We've never really moved past that, where too many people stop caring about any wrong once they've got their situation resolved.
They never care about a situation that hasn't personally touched them. They don't even believe it when they hear about it from those who are affected.
I am very angry about that.
So I am angry about people who find drag queens and sex education in schools an existential threat, but vote for a rapist who keeps appointing people associated with sex trafficking.
I am angry at people who complain about inflation without having an accurate perception of the economy and then vote for the guy who will actively make it worse.
I am angry at people who only care about unborn children, but not the people around them.
I am angry at people who use the suffering of one group as an excuse to throw away any obligations to any other groups, including the people actually around them.
I am angry at people who say there is no difference when there are catastrophic differences.
I am angry at people who don't respect the importance of their votes. I am also people who think their votes are magic and so as long as they do that everything is magically fine. They are different, but they contribute to each other.
I am so angry about the hypocrites.
I am angry about the dishonestly, intellectual and otherwise.
I am also very frustrated that I can't fix it. I can only try and help with the shambles.
That even though it would be very easy to have contempt for all of these racist, ignorant, misguided, selfish people, that over and over I need to keep seeing their humanity, loving them, and hoping for the best for them, even if priorities and boundaries necessitate not engaging.
That is what I am going to do, but there is one more very specific anger that still needs to come out.
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