Thursday, February 27, 2025

Check in with yourself

I have been thinking about this post for a few reasons.

One is that I keep referring to your intuition or inspiration or what works for you in posts, but that does not always come easily. We are given many reasons to doubt ourselves. 

When you do know yourself -- understanding your weaknesses but also believing in what you do and achieving comfort with your own combination of integrity and imperfection -- that's a beautiful thing.

In addition, I keep getting new thoughts on something I am doing, getting more insight along the way.

Not completely unconnected, I found that I was not doing enough in one of the potential action items I have been blogging and posting.

The "potential" is right there. Even though they were all reasonably small and achievable things, it would still be completely understandable that no one would have to do all of them, including me. Plus, for me, a lot of them were things that I was already pretty good about.

I need to write to more businesses. 

I had thought that notifying Amazon and Google that I would not be using them anymore and a thank you letter to Costco would be enough.

I started feeling that I needed to go back and recheck those lists and write to more businesses. Then I could start learning ASL.

Well, if that's what I should do, then that's what I'm going to do.

Thinking about these, a lot of them circle back. The first one was thinking about what you want; this last one is thinking about what you want to (or feel you should) do.

Thinking about someone you are glad to have in your life and finding something good about a difficult person... those are not completely unrelated, though the differences are important.

Plus, that thinking about someone mentioned maybe taking them soup; that totally goes with the service one.

That's how we do it. We take the information we have, look deeper and choose action, and then we repeat that process as we learn and experience more. 

I am learning constantly. I suspect I could have phrased Tuesday's better by the way some people responded. Even though Julie inspired me yesterday, I discouraged her. I didn't mean to, and I am still participating in the boycott, but what she immediately heard was that nothing works.

No, but most of it doesn't work easily.

In the immediate future, what this seems to mean for me is that tomorrow while I am not buying anything, I will also be writing letters to businesses I will not patronize anymore, or who have disappointed me, or to whom I have something to say.

Beyond that is figuring out what kind of posts are happening in March. The February ones were all fairly simple; is it time to get more complicated?

(Plus start learning ASL.)

If you are still with me, maybe it makes sense to look over the list and see if there is something next there. 

Potential action items:

Finally (at least for February), choose the next action that you will take. 

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