Thursday, August 26, 2010

Task: Blogging

I’ll get back to my high school narrative, but I had to get out that newsletter tonight, and that is one of my blogs. And yes, one of the things I had on my to-do list was blogging.

Regular readers know how sporadic I am, for which I am sorry, but it is nothing new. This main blog I primarily use for self-discovery and getting things off my chest. I also have the travel blog, and then the preparedness blog is pretty much just a way of archiving the preparedness newsletters that I do for my ward.

That is the most regular one, because I am good about getting the newsletters sent, and once it is written updating the blog is easy, but there are occasional delays. Sometimes the writing doesn’t flow, and I have to consider whether I am being wrong-headed in some way. Like this one is on using whole grains. I thought I would have information on storing them, and maybe even on cooking, but that didn’t seem right and it ended up being more about how to easily introduce them into your diet.

I did one once on personal safety, and I was all gung ho to include this tip I had read back when Chandra Levy disappeared, that young people living alone should leave notes or messages every time they leave regarding where they are going. It just didn’t feel right, and then I realized that the main point of that is to make it easier for the people who are investigating your disappearance. I was trying to keep people from disappearing at all, and reminders of possible death would only make the message less well received. It’s not a bad idea—it was just the wrong place.

For the travel blog, I was going to just post on Saturdays, but last Saturday was the busiest day I have had in a long time, and it was just not going to happen.

Jamaica Me S’wet (20/45)
2nd Nephi 1 – 1st Nephi 19

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