I feel like
yesterday was a little heavy, and long, so I thought I would end the week on
shorter and lighter note. If you imagine this read in a kind of a Valley Girl
voice, not so much with the accent but with that intonation, then I think you
will be on the right track.
I can still tie this
in with teenage girls, because it’s interesting sometimes how something small
with set them off. For example, @tyritter tweeted something about finding a new
Neverland, and suddenly there was a ton of speculation going on about what that
could mean, mostly focusing around maybe he was getting married. Uh, obviously
not! Neverland is all about not growing up, and marriage is the opposite of
that. Personally, I think he was just moving. However, a few days later he
wrote about coming back from the Bahamas with a princess, so anyone who had
calmed down over the first uproar was all roared up again.
I have no idea on
the princess, but there was another small flurry that I believe I understand
perfectly, and that was when Twitter exploded with excitement because
@gerardway was following a new person and had tweeted!
Now, what you need
to know about that is that not only @gerardway but also @mikeyway and @raytoro
pretty much never tweeted, and the reason for this, according to @FrankIero is
that they had all of these Latin American teens getting mad at them for not
being gay, until finally the only MCR people really tweeting were @FrankIero
and the homeless guy they had hired to run the web site. (I object to harassment
in general, but harassment for this reason just seems really weird to me.)
Anyway, knowing
that, I had been surprised to see @gerardway’s tweet, and I do follow him so I
did see it, but it never occurred to me to keep track of how many people anyone
follows, so that people knew there was a new one was kind of amazing. On
investigating it myself, though, it made total sense, because the person he
added, @alka_seltzer666, was new to Twitter, and I knew she was new, because
@lynzway (wife of @gerardway) had retweeted her first few tweets.
Therefore, I believe
that @gerardway got on specifically to follow @alka_seltzer666 at the behest of
@lynzway, and as long as he was on, he sent a tweet, and then he just kind of
started getting back into it, bringing @mikeyway along with him. It totes makes
I’d still like to
see more from @raytoro, but he just produced a new album, and if he does more
stuff like that, and then promotes it, it should help. Also, I tend to think he
would get less sexual harassment than the others, based on the relative
frequency of names being mentioned in various sources. I could be wrong; as I
don’t really delve into it, but it seems to focus more on the other three. Ray
probably doesn’t wear enough makeup.
Anyway, it’s
interesting how sometimes it can feel like you are personally connected, when
you are not. If someone seems to need cheering, or calming, or information on a
certain topic, I try to provide that. The other thing that I see sometimes is
that people seem really bored and restless, and then I feel compelled to post
something interesting, which is way too much pressure. So that leads to the
next story, where I am going to leave the Twitter handles out because they are
a little more likely to see it.
One night there were
two different people that I follow who both seemed really restless and bored,
and I was kind of feeling like I should introduce them to each other. After
all, they are both creative types. She is a television writer, and he is a
comic book artist, and she is totally into comics. On the other hand, I didn’t
know if either of them were involved, and sure, it didn’t need to be a romantic
thing, but it would be an easy assumption to make when you have boy/girl, and
they are both straight, and also it seemed a little presumptuous because even
though I have communicated with both of them at different times, still, we
don’t know each other. So, I didn’t.
I now feel like it
was the right decision. First of all, I now know he does have a girlfriend, but
also, they seem to have very opposite positions on Michonne from The Walking
Dead, and I think even for friendship that might be a dealbreaker. I mean, what
I know of her admiration of Michonne comes from the comic book, and his
complaints are specific to the television portrayal, which as far as I know she
has not commented on, but, yeah, I think there would be some conflict now.
As you see, it can
get very juicy in here. And even though you cannot count on celebrity
encounters, I have at various times had replies from Reggie Lee, Richard
Hughes, Derek Thompson, Matt Pelissier, Chris Roberson, Scott Hessel, and Bill
McKibben. Well I know who they are!
The most attentive musicians are the drummers.