Monday, July 04, 2016

Borne on the 4th

I had been building up an aversion to the 4th of July. I wasn't always this way.

I used to love going to watch the fireworks display at the Fairgrounds, or wherever we were heading that year. I liked sparklers and fountains. I still don't mind a day off.

I started feeling differently as we had various pets who were really bothered by the noises. That made it less enjoyable, and it made going to see fireworks less likely, because I didn't have the heart to leave them alone. In fact, for a while our house was the haven for other people's greyhounds, where we could be the safe place they left their dogs.

I wasn't really sour on it then. I like having extra dogs, and we at least were keeping our pets safe - they just had a night that was really scary. As it began to be multiple nights, that was more annoying, as was knowing how many pets ended up lost every year, but that was something you could avoid with precautions - personal responsibility and all that.

I started souring more as I became aware of the losses of homes and businesses. One year something landed on a house with a cedar shake roof. Those are really flammable. I believe it was in 2011 that Aviary caught fire. The restaurant was in its first year, when getting established is really important. That setback could have been catastrophic. It worked out, but those are hard times for people. Just in case it wasn't clear, none of the people with burned homes or businesses are the ones who set them off. Apparently when you launch gunpowder projectiles into the air, they come down.

The concern that has been added lately is veterans. We have more veterans coming home with PTSD, and the sounds of the explosions can trigger them. There are signs and reminders posted, but for the past three nights that hasn't made an impact. I have a feeling that after being much worse tonight it will still be bad for a few days. Support our troops!

Obviously all of that makes it seem like my problem isn't really with the 4th of July but with fireworks, and specifically with illegal fireworks. That's true, but the mindset where you have to celebrate by blowing things up, without any consideration for the property of others, or the well-being of those who have served our country, or compassion for our loyal companion animals, that goes along with many of the other problems I see in our country today.

That doesn't get me excited.

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