Thursday, January 16, 2025

Birthday wish

Finally, for my birthday I want you.

I want to see you all.

I am sure some of that relates to COVID and a lot of activities not being safe. Here we are getting on five years later and there are only more diseases floating around.

Maybe it's worse because our reunion is being delayed again. Now, I have had concerns about the gathering anyway, but it is still nice to have options.

It isn't only that. It is so easy to lose touch and to lose intimacy.

With social media there are ways in which it is easier to kind of have an idea of how people are doing -- if they post -- but you can miss a lot.

Part of it may be my job instability. The way modern life has worked is that your social group can kind of be your coworkers. 

That's not terrible, but then when your job changes, even when you think you are going to stay in touch, it is not the same.

Life can be pretty exhausting. It's hard to feel like there is time for a lot of getting together.

Plus, you never know how long you have. I've gotten some rude reminders of that. 

Even when you have these good intentions, it can be hard to work out.

For example, I have thought for some time that when my sisters and I go exploring, we should get in touch with the people we know in those areas. I know people in Salem and Canby for sure, and probably other places. 

Of course we are always running late and things come up... trying to add in other people can only add more pressure, except there might also be some nice visits.

I don't have an answer for that.

However, I want to find ways to see you.

I want to interview teachers and designers for more insight as I do my schooling.

I want to get together in the park. 

I want to hug.

And I want to go Halloween caroling, with costumes and simple choreography.

If there is anything you would specifically like to do with me, let me know.

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