Tuesday, April 09, 2024

Plodding along

About a month later, I am no longer giddy. 


I am not unhappy, but the euphoria has worn off. 

Part of this is that every thing I do seems to lead to more things to do. Sometimes there is a lot of hurry up and wait.

I had indicated this before, but I had a long list of jobs and programs that I wanted to look into, even before I quit.

Now I am doing that, but of course if you look into one program, and then you apply, you may have to wait for your application to be examined, or submit other materials.

Also, while I have not applied for that many jobs yet, I am getting a few rejections. They were expected, so that is not terrible, but that's why I'm not giddy.

I am guided by that long list.

Every Sunday I create a set of goals for the coming week. Then, each morning I figure out what things should be done today. (I will sometimes sort that out before I go to bed as well.)

I am getting a little better at setting realistic goals, but I am still not the most patient person.

This is the thing that is cool, though, and the reason I am sharing it.

A long list of things to do could be something that would weigh me down. If I did not have time to work at it, it would.

Instead, it is acting more like ballast. 

Why isn't something happening? Well, you still haven't done these things, Gina. In fact, there are some key things you won't get to until next week, and there are some important things for the week after that.

That is keeping me fairly well aligned, and that is helpful.

Plus, all the bills for this month are paid, we are well-stocked on groceries, and I take time to lay down with cats every day.

Those things really help, but so do achievable goals!

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